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  • Writer's pictureValentina Stepanova

How Can AI Be Used in Insurance Industry?

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

The ongoing digital transformation is shaping insurance industry's future, with AI playing a pivotal role. Why? Because the future of insurance resides in the digital world, where artificial intelligence (AI) fuels efficiency, profitability, and customer experience.

In this blog post, you will find out what is AI in insurance and how can AI be used in insurance industry.

What is AI in Insurance? The Role of AI in the Insurance Industry

As per the Global Insurtech Report 2023, operational efficiency is now a must for insurers, and AI seems to be the key to unlocking this efficiency. With nearly 50% of insurance tasks identified as having high potential for automation, the question is not if but how AI is being adopted in the insurance industry.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already made significant strides in the insurance industry, with its impact varying across the value chain. AI's role in insurance is extensive, touching upon key processes such as:

  1. Product Management: AI aids in designing insurance products based on customer behavior analysis and market trends, leading to personalized offerings.

  2. Marketing: Predictive analytics, a branch of AI, can be utilized to predict customer behavior and develop targeted marketing strategies.

  3. Sales & Distribution: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants help enhance sales processes and distribution channels, offering seamless customer experience.

  4. Underwriting & Risk Management: Machine learning algorithms assist in accurate risk assessment, facilitating precise underwriting.

  5. Policy Acquisition & Servicing: AI streamlines the policy acquisition process by automating underwriting and policy issuance. It also improves policy servicing through intelligent automation of routine tasks.

  6. Claims Management: AI expedites the claims management process, offering quicker settlements, and identifying fraudulent claims.

  7. Finance & Accounts: AI aids in automating various financial tasks, providing real-time reports, and forecasting financial outcomes.

Today, AI opens new doors for efficiency and accuracy in these processes, from speeding up claims management to customizing insurance products. However, it is still a matter of ongoing research to fully comprehend which processes will be most significantly impacted by AI.

In the next part of this blog post, you will find an example of how AI-powered tools can streamline some of these processes.

AI will not exert the same level of influence across all aspects of the insurance value chain. Certain areas might see more automation and AI incorporation than others, making the landscape of AI in insurance complex yet exciting.

Furthermore, the recent studies indicate that the insurance industry is anticipated to be the second-most impacted industry by AI. This future projection underscores the growing importance and role of AI in insurance, heralding a new era where digital insurance and AI go hand in hand to define the future of the industry.

What is the Best Use of AI in the Insurance Industry?

In the previous section, we discussed the key insurance processes that AI can streamline, bringing greater efficiency and accuracy. Now, let's delve deeper into the practical application of AI in these processes and highlight the best use cases in the insurance industry.

One effective strategy to leverage AI's potential is the adoption of SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms and tools that are explicitly designed for the insurance industry. SaaS solutions, harnessing the power of AI, can revolutionize insurance processes, bringing about unprecedented improvements in efficiency, customer experience, and operational costs.

Let's consider a couple of examples of practical use of AI within specialized tools to illustrate this.

Sales & distribution with AI-Powered Chatbots

One of the prominent use cases of AI in insurance is seen in Sales & Distribution. In particular, AI can help insurers to deal with account and contract management.

AI-powered chatbots, integrated with sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, can process 90% of customer requests automatically. These chatbots utilize AI-generated prompts for operators based on a one-second analysis of the insurance program. This dramatically reduces the response time from an average of an hour to just 5 minutes, thus enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

AI-powered chat bot in Renova
AI-powered chat bot in Renova

Policy Servicing With AI-driven Analysis

Another impactful application of AI is in portfolio management. For example, insurer can add insurance programs in minutes and invite policyholders making the process of policy servicing as easy and fast as it's possible.

Also, AI can process and simplify complex insurance policies for customers. Through its advanced analytical capabilities, AI can distill complex insurance program details into simple, understandable forms for policyholders. This information is made readily available to policyholders via a user-friendly app, fostering transparency and clarity.

Policy servicing with AI in Renova
Policy servicing with AI in Renova

Both these examples signify the transformative impact AI can have on the insurance industry. Through the intelligent automation of key processes, AI not only streamlines operations but also significantly enhances customer experience, creating a win-win situation for insurers and policyholders alike.


As said, the insurance industry is expected to be the 2nd most impacted industry by AI. Insurance providers, who are not considering how to use AI are likely to fall behind and loose competition to digital insurers. Embracing AI and digital insurance platforms like Renova can set you on the path to a thriving future in the insurance industry, in a world that's increasingly digital, connected, and intelligent.


Digitalize your insurance business with in just ONE WEEK with Renova AI-powered no-code platform.

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